[Award] Research presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2024

The top conference in the field of computer graphics, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2024, was held in Tokyo from December 3 to 6, 2024. Assistant Professor Hirao received the Best Demo in Show Award in the Emerging Technologies category.

Additionally, a group of students, including Mr. Fujiwara from Nara National College of Technology, who is a participant in the NAIST STELLA Program (JST Next Generation Science and Technology Challenge Program), presented a poster. Remarkably, Mr. Fujiwara, a second-year student (equivalent to an 11th grader), achieved the distinction of having his work accepted at this top conference. For more information about Mr. Fujiwara, please refer to this news article.

(Emerging Technologies)

  • Yutaro Hirao, Takeru Hashimoto,
    “A Demonstration of Selfrionette: A Force-Input Controller for Continuous Full-Body Avatar Manipulation and Enhanced Virtual Haptics”
    (URL): https://doi.org/10.1145/3681755.36889
